Jes Parent

Embodied & Diverse Intelligences: Development, Learning & Evolution across Biological, Cognitive, and Artificial Domains

Curriculum vitae

jeparent [@]

1. Halıcıoğlu Data Science Institute, UCSD, San Diego CA

2. Cognition Futures, OREL, Boston MA

Google Summer of Code

I have been involved with Google Summer of Code via OREL since 2019, most recently as a Mentor.


Open-source Community Sustainability using Agent-based Models

Bradly Alicea, Hussain Ather, Himanshu Chougule, Brian McCorkle, Jesse Parent


Braitenberg Vehicles as Developmental Neurosimulation

Stefan Dvoretskii, Ziyi Gong, Ankit Gupta, Jesse Parent, Bradly Alicea

CogNet, Artificial Life, vol. 28(3), 2022, pp. 369–395

Embodied Intelligence Workshop Presentations from Orthogonal Lab

Bradly Alicea, Jesse Parent, Stefan Dvoretskii